Die #SektionTwitter fragt… #5

Da der #effzeh als ein Verein mit einer erfolgreichen Vergangenheit und viel Tradition auch im Ausland bekannt ist, wird es hier auch einmal Zeit den ersten Artikel in englischer Sprache zu verfassen. Was eignet sich hier besser als eine neue Ausgabe von  “#Die SektionTwitter fragt…“

Today on the first English version of our little questionnaire, we are glad to have my special friend @AtleticoGlasgow from Scotland (whom I met on a trip to Glasgow for the Europa League match of Atlético Madrid against Celtic) answering some questions about our lovely red and white club.

#SektionTwitter: Hello @AtleticoGlasgow. Before we start talking about #effzeh Cologne, just tell us a bit about yourself. Where you are from, what you are doing and especially which one is your favorite club? 

@AtleticoGlasgow: I was born, live and work in Glasgow, Scotland. I am married with one son, who I am trying to educate in the joy of the culture of world football (my son, not my wife. She hates it!)

I follow Glasgow Rangers (not a good time at the moment). Before settling down to family life I was a season ticket holder and followed Rangers to many places in Europe.

I also follow Atletico Madrid, as that was the first ever team my son saw. We saw them beat Almeria while on holiday in Madrid. Atleti are our football common bond.

#SektionTwitter: Do you have some kind of special relationship to Cologne? Friends, Family or special experiences with Cologne?

@AtleticoGlasgow: I also follow #effzeh  as that was the first team I followed Rangers into Europe in October 1988. Koln beat us 2-0 with our current Manager Ally McCoist being red carded early in the game. Otherwise we would have won 5-0, I think!

I also saw Koln at Ibrox in 1979 in the Euopean Cup. #effzeh beat us after we had eliminated Juventus (one of my greatest ever games at Ibrox) and PSV Eindhoven.

We have played each other in 3 competitions with Koln winning each time :-(

#SektionTwitter: Is is possible to follow Cologne in Scotland? 

@AtleticoGlasgow:  I follow Koln on internet and ESPN have a weekly summary of Bundesliga on TV. (what will I do this season?).

#SektionTwitter: After being relegated into second division again, Cologne now faces a new start with lots of new, young and ambitious players, sending all the old ones away. What do you think about this development? Is this the right way back to long-term success?

@AtleticoGlasgow: I was sad to see Koln get relegated to second division, only to see my club be liquidated and now start again in effectively the 4th division. Maybe second isn’t so bad!

The way football is managed now I believe only the super-clubs will ever see big success. Even great clubs with wonderful history and traditions like Koln and Rangers need to find a new level of success. I believe football goes in cycles, and this is a fresh challenge needing a new approach which hopefully will be successful. I have all but given up on the hope of great European nights where Rangers beat teams at their peak like Juventus,Parma, PSV, Leverkusen, Leeds United. However if the club is run properly with the fans input, this could bring a new sense of enjoyment.

#SektionTwitter: And last but not lot least we’ll leave a few free lines to you. Is there anything you’ve always wanted to tell the world? 

@AtleticoGlasgow: I would like to take this opportunity to say thanks for inviting me to participate. I love football, not just for the game, but the opportunities to meet great people and see new places (why else would I have went to Bochum in December! Rangers played CSKA Moscow).

I also have visited Frankfurt and Stuttgart in 2006 for the World Cup.

Hope we both get our glory days back and we can meet in European competition again. ( There is a direct route from Edinburgh! )




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